Imbolc has passed, and with it the darkest part of Winter. As the light returns, our thoughts turn to what we plan to plant ready to harvest later in the year – it’s the time of infinite possibilities! Whether we’re looking at what to put in the garden or what to manifest in our lives, now is the perfect time of year. Just as the Spring bulbs are stirring, trees are showing the first signs of budding leaves, and some early birds are busily nest-building, so we can use this last part of winter to prepare our own “what’s next?”
The next Lost Art of Simple Dying workshop will take place on March 21st (Spring Equinox!) Along with an exploration of what normal dying looks like and how we can use our “wisdom within” to walk alongside those who are dying, there is a section on advance planning. Often we put off thinking about what might happen at the end of our lives, whereas there can be a sense of relief when we’ve sorted out whatever needs organising and shared it (sharing is a very important part.) “Do it. Forget it. Get on with living” is how I like to describe it! It may not be for everyone, but if it’s been at the back of your mind, this could be the ideal opportunity to get a sense of how to approach the many aspects that can be considered.
These informal days are packed with information and invite deep sharing of experiences. We create a safe space where the so-called “taboos” of death and dying can be explored intricately, helping to release fears and show people that actually they most likely already have access within themselves to everything they may need ♥
For more information about the workshop or to book a place, please contact me here.